Tuesday, March 10, 2009
Auf Wiedersehen

Sunday, March 8, 2009
Far East Friday
My favorite foodie blogger took off to the Big Apple this weekend (hope you're having fun M!) leaving me without updates and pics of things which make me drool.
In her absence, I will post a pic of something I whipped up for dinner this past weekend. It's one of my favorite Rachael Ray creations--Thai-style Shrimp and Veggies with Toasted Coconut Rice. As with most of her recipes, I added more veggies and garlic, and it turned out so good. We enjoyed the dish with large glasses of Sapporo, and watched Lawrence of Arabia, for a mish-mosh of Eastern culture all in one night.
KH, be warned, that is CILANTRO that you see (but it's one of my favorites!). I know a lot of real foodies don't care for Miss Rachael, but I find a good handful of her recipes to be great jumping-off points that let me explore different cuisines, why, she helped me make my first curry. So I love her, even if her show is now far too full of arugula and paninis.